Thursday, August 27, 2009

Intellegent Conversations

I find it funny when I play WOW. We play many hour a night in the name of becoming better then the next guild and it is amusing how people insist on saying how important they are in real life. Come on people lets face it if you were some of the most social people on the Earth why bother playing a online game? I seriously believe most people play online games in order to act out from the monotony of their lives. They pretend they are a lot more than they are in order to raise self esteem and put others down.

So if you are dealing with people like this why bother trying to have an intelligent conversation. I'm not saying WOW player are not intelligent in fact many of them are college educated. But some how after raid we stumbled on talking about religion. I usually try to dodge this kind of dialect but it was just to tempting. It started off strong with everyone stating their views but as the conversation drew longer people started to insult each other. Long story short it was not to long until someone called someone else an idiot and they were stupid and they don't now why they are breathing their air.

I guess people feel strongly about their opinions but why the decent into madness (no pun intended). Is it hard to simply state your belief and then ask why the other believes the way they do. Arguing for the sake of arguing is just annoying but people insist on it today. Especially the people who see ones persons stance and try to take the opposite just to say the opposite.

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